But searching for information to the basic care of pigeons has been a task for me. There are a lot of pigeon sites and dedicated website of certain breeds that I get so overwhelmed by all the information about pigeons.
So I decided to create this Pigeons101.com website and put in as much information about raising pigeons as I can to help others like me in starting up this wonderful hobby of raising pigeons.

I am not a pigeon expert nor have extensive years of experience but I do share the common enthusiasm with pigeon fanciers all over the world!
I will try my best to cite and source all pigeons information i gather from the net and if you believe that some pigeon information content in this site belongs to you please let me know so I can properly give credit to where credit is due.
About the Owner of Pigeon101.com
Back in my high school years I started a small pigeon loft at the roof of our house in Tondo, Manila and actually had to hide it from my Dad since walking on those galvanized metal roofing tends to create leaks on rainy days. I started with just 4 pigeons and i had to fight with my bully neighbors that steals my pigeons to the point of getting into rock throwing fights.
My teenage pigeon hobby didnt last long when my Dad found out and had my coop taken down.
After more than a decade and a half I suddenly had the urge to put up a small loft at our 3rd floor terrace. Had the means so 3 of my friends helped me build it and once done my kits started to grow to 20+ pigeons!
I don’t care about breeds back then. I just wanted to feed, take care of them and watch them fly.
My friend Danny Simbul takes care of them daily.
We manage to train them to the level whereas once you released them and the kit circles around for a few minutes the land on the trap board and goes in instantly.
I was so proud of my birds!
But then hard times came and I had to give them up.
Fast forward 15 more years and here I am in North Dallas, Texas and in the initial stages of building a Birmingham Roller strain kit for me to watch and enjoy.